Yamaha 2009 Diversion XJ6S Service Manual (554 pages) 1.0.0

Werkstatthandbuch in English - Online Version. PDF Offline Download möglich

This manual was produced by the Yamaha Motor Company, Ltd. primarily for use by Yamaha dealers

and their qualified mechanics. It is not possible to include all the knowledge of a mechanic in one man-

ual. Therefore, anyone who uses this book to perform maintenance and repairs on Yamaha vehicles

should have a basic understanding of mechanics and the techniques to repair these types of vehicles.

Repair and maintenance work attempted by anyone without this knowledge is likely to render the vehi-

cle unsafe and unfit for use.

Yamaha Motor Company, Ltd. is continually striving to improve all of its models. Modifications and sig-

nificant changes in specifications or procedures will be forwarded to all authorized Yamaha dealers and

will appear in future editions of this manual where applicable.